Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chapter 28 :)

Deaf Education                                                                       

After reading this chapter and learning about Deaf education in this book, I am even more on the fence about what I would do if I was the parent of a Deaf child. I know I would want them to learn ASL and as early as possible! I think the more difficult decision would be where to send them to school. I think I would definitely move to a larger city, because from what I have read there are more opportunities for a good Deaf education in bigger cities. I don't think I would home school my child because then they wouldn't get to interact with other children as often. But I think I would bring a tutor into our home to act as a positive language role model as well as help me and the child's father learn more ASL. 
Charter schools sound like a favorable option, I like how they "combine the best features of deaf schools (a rich bilingual-bi cultural environment and an ASL -based-education) and mainstreaming." Another reason why I think I would choose a  charter school is because they are "directly answerable to the parents for the progress and well-being of its students." I would want to be involved with my child's education which is something charter schools support, as well as an ASL-based learning environment which I am also in favor of.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree I would start my child at an early age as well and move to a larger city. I live in a small town and I would not want my child being deaf in a small town. I just dont think the child would learn what he/she needed to living in a small town as if we were in a large city.
