Friday, February 15, 2013

Chapter 47 :)

"Do deaf parents breed deaf children" 

Ummm... WOW! I was so shocked to read that "unsuitable parents would be discouraged, even prevented, from having "inferior quality children." I think this relates back to chapter 39 where it is made pretty clear that deafness is not a disability. These proposals seem very ignorant, especially the sterilization of American deaf children!
I agree that the "facts speak for themselves" 90% of all deaf people have hearing parents, and 90% of all deaf parents have hearing children. The book says it best by saying "anyone who wants to prevent deaf babies from being born should prevent hearing people from breeding." 
A perfect example is my friend Charlie... Both of his grandparents are deaf and his mom and all of her (7) siblings are hearing. And the only reason Charlie's sister is deaf is because she had meningitis as a child! But families with Deaf relatives are the transmitters of Sign Language!

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