Friday, March 15, 2013

Chapter 58 :)

Deafness: A disability or a culture?

Before taking ASL I considered deafness to be more on the side of a disability, in the school system deaf children seem to be grouped with the special needs/ disabled children and I had never really been aware that Deafness had so much culture! This chapter quotes [there is] "richness and color in our lives- as deaf people." Through learning ASL and watching others sign I can see the life in the signs. There is more to ASL than just signs, there is so much expression and mime, ASL literally draws a picture full of detail and sometimes I get a better understanding through signing than speaking words. The 3D aspect of ASL is amazing and it really makes conversation interesting. 

I thought it was really cool that there are APT buildings as well as retirement communities designed for deaf people! That is very cool, this really goes to show that Deafness is not a disability. "Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do, except hear." 

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