Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chapter 61 :)

Are Deaf people still stereotyped? If so, how? What kind of stereotypes are still popular? 

Immediately when I saw that this chapter was giving examples of Hollywood movies as stereotypes I was disappointed. Hollywood producers stereotype everyone (OOPS... I may have just stereotyped Hollywood movie producers =/... none the less) I think that it is a little inaccurate to base Deaf stereotypes off of Hollywood movies because they usually take the stereotype and make it extreme. The only movie/ TV show I have ever seen is Switched at Birth and I haven't seen it but a handful of times. I feel like (and this could just be me) people as a whole have gotten better about stereotyping others. BUT just to be sure I asked my boyfriend (who makes fun of everyone different from him... and it drives me insane) what he thought about Deaf people (and trust me he will be honest, partly because he has no clue I am writing it down) and he responded that they are "probably lonely, quiet, and all teachers." This kind of shocked me, even someone who watches me make videos and grew up knowing Deaf people (he has grown up with my friend Charlie and his family as well) still has these crazy thoughts about deaf people. The Deaf are social (probably more social than he and I combined) and smart and definitely not quiet or boring!!! It saddens as well as confuses me that in this day and age Deaf people are still stereotyped even though they have their own language and culture just like everyone else. The only explanation I can make is that people will judge and make assumptions about everyone who may be different from them. =((

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