Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chapter 66 :)

 Song Signs 

I really enjoyed reading chapter 66, I always enjoy watching the "music videos" on YouTube of people signing, but I didn't know that some Deaf people frowned upon this...  but you can't please everyone I suppose. I also think that it is cool that Deaf children learn to sign songs from (hearing) teachers and sign them in front of audiences. if this has become a staple for Deaf culture why do people not support it... I understand that it has not always been a tradition, but things change and evolve. 
I feel like having Deaf children sign songs could help them learn English syntax which could help them with writing, reading, and comprehension!
I really like how the book points out that "meaning isn't the most important consideration here" I think that it is really pleasing to watch and it is even cooler when I see signs that I know and can piece them together to understand the concept. 

This is a really funny video of a man signing "Party in the USA" 

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