Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chapter 65 :)

Can Deaf People Appreciate Music?

This chapter was very interesting, I always just assumed that Deaf people did not like music, or simply didn't care because they couldn't hear it. (a little ignorant I now know) but I am sure I am not alone on previously thinking that. when I first read through this chapter it made me laugh and be thankful I don't have Deaf neighbors with high quality stereo systems with lots of amplification. I also found it interesting that Deaf people liked to watch MTV for the music videos.... not that there is even music (especially good music) on MTV any more... but I can not see why deaf people would enjoy music videos, they tell a story in a sense. 
I was surprised to read that  schools for the Deaf have music programs... this just isn't something I would expect to see at a school for the Deaf, but it is really amazing that they do have successful music programs.

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