Friday, April 19, 2013

Chapter 69 :)

Deaf people.... not sleeping with lights on?

I thought this chapter was really interesting, this is definitely a part of Deaf culture that I had never thought of before, but it makes perfect sense. As the book mentions Deaf people are much more aware of their visual surroundings than hearing people because that is what they rely on. I do think it is cool thought that "Deaf children don't choose to sleep in complete darkness; they're forged to" This is a quirk of DC that I would have never known about if I didn't read this book. 
I also thought it was funny when the author talked about 2 deaf people getting married, one from a residential school and one who is not, I do think that this may be a battle fought by more than just Deaf people... I know my sister and I disagreed on this growing up. She would fall asleep with the TV on and lights on... I on the other hand CAN NOT! I love the complete Darkness, so Residential school people, I feel some of your pain.

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