Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chapter 60 :)

Is the Internet going to Destroy Deaf Culture?

I had to think long and hard about this chapter..... and I am pretty sure I have come to the conclusion of..... wait for it.......

In my opinion I think that the internet has offered Deaf people, and Deaf culture a whole new easier, more accessible way to communicate. Okay so the "Deaf Club" has become a thing of the past, that is how things work in everyone's life no matter deaf, blind, hearing, black, white... whatever things change and with chance (often) comes improvement. I am not sure... just guessing so don't hold me to this but Deaf clubs probably weren't available in every single town where deaf people lived. The internet is available virtually everywhere in the US and in many foreign countries. The internet allows deaf people to collaborate in DeafChat as the book mentions and meet other Deaf people in their same community as well as all over the world. The internet makes video-chatting IE skype available with the click of a button.  The internet is also helpful to us hearing people who are learning ASL, when I forget a sign I hit up ASLPro and I have the sigh in front of me in under a minute (if insight is cooperating) or I can Skype Stacey and get a whole ASL lesson right on my computer! 
Just like in any culture there can be bad influences and unreliable sources on the internet, but by no means to I think that the internet is going to destroy Deaf culture.... I mean what are you using right this very second to read my rambling???

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